Blogging · flags

And the winner is… *drum roll*

  If you’ve been around The Cove lately, you are aware that a constest was on. If you missed on it, and wonder what all this was about, you can learn more here. I had planned to make a smashing post about the results. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling a bit under the weather, which is…… Continue reading And the winner is… *drum roll*

Award · Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Blogger Appreciation Award…

Madame Suze is a lady you want to have in your team! This crazy blogger is most probably my fiercest adversary when it comes to the stalking game! She’s literally everywhere in the Bloggosphere! The woman is colorful, witty, loud and so much fun to hang around with! She has the greatest sense of humor and…… Continue reading Blogger Appreciation Award…

Blogging · Sharing

Calling out to Suze’s readers…

Hello Lovelies, I have mentionned Madame Suze more times than I can recall in the past, and I am sure you are, at the very least, familiar with her name! Suze has an endearing habit of sabotaging her blog, Obsolete Childhood, and it has been out of order a number of times already. It is,…… Continue reading Calling out to Suze’s readers…

Blogging · Me myself and I

7 days, 7 photos Challenge – day 1

“Seven days. Seven black and white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Challenge someone new each day.” I was challenged by Madame Suze And for day 1, I challenge Colin, from Scottish Legends 🙂

Blogging · Sharing · Thoughts

Remember Madame Suze?

Cyranny of Cyranny’s Cove. Cyranny’s Cove is a lovely seaside fantasy in frozenland (Canada). The people of the cove speak fluent French which Cyr allows me to “translate’ every now and then into English. Cyranny knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that my translations are exemplary even though I speak not a word of… via…… Continue reading Remember Madame Suze?

Award · Blogging · Sharing · YCMMBABPA

YCMMBABP Award, the new winner is….

  A while ago, I created this award to reward special people who make significant comments and bring more depth to otherwise simple or silly posts. It was inspired by its first recipient and wonderful blogger Madame Suze. And although I’ve been a bit (ok, totally)  overwhelmed with comment replying lately, and active following of my…… Continue reading YCMMBABP Award, the new winner is….