After Eight Moment · Blogging · nature · Thoughts

After Eight Moments…

Flowers taught me a lesson; Never postpone enjoying the beauty of life!     If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here. Description for the visually impaired; Three white tulips, with a close up on one fully bloomed, with a bright yellow center, fading lightly on its snow-white petals.

After Eight Moment · Blogging · nature · poetry

After Eight Moments…

  Let’s throw caution to the wind, Dear! Forget Spring’s silly foreplay… I want to nestle in your warm Summer arms right away!       If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here. Description for the visually impaired: Close up on a couple of recently bloomed dandelion flowers, in the…… Continue reading After Eight Moments…

After Eight Moment · Blogging · Montreal

After Eight Moments…

You can’t back off now, Spring! You just can’t!     If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here. Description for the visually impaired; Close up picture of small beautiful white flowers barely blooming through brown wood chips.

After Eight Moment · Blogging · French · nature · poetry

After Eight Moments…

Fine dentelle glacée, Larme d’hiver abreuvant Un printemps naissant…     If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here. Description for the visually impaired; Close up picture of leftover ice melting over green grass.

Blogging · Montreal

Gooooood mooooorning…

Vietnam! Denmark! Nah, it’s just Montréal… But still a nice sunrise 😉       Description for the visually impaired; Picture of the sun rising, taken from my office’s window. The sun is very bright, and the sky filled with a thin layer of clouds. On the right side stands the silhouette of a tall…… Continue reading Gooooood mooooorning…

After Eight Moment · Blogging · nature · Thoughts

After Eight Moments…

Phoenix rising from the ashes…   Except there is no fire, and no ashes, and this is by all means not a Phoenix, per say. But aside from these few details, I think that the comparison is pretty accurate!     If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here. Description for…… Continue reading After Eight Moments…