Blogging · Fiction · Second chance · stories · Thoughts

Lucky…Wilfred, the retired gentleman (February 17th FFF)

I was invited (well, not personally, but still) to Fandango’s Friday Flashback! Fandango scrolls back, every Friday, and gives a second chance to a post he had published on the same date, years before. I thought it was a great way to remember some of the stuff I did a while back, and I decided…… Continue reading Lucky…Wilfred, the retired gentleman (February 17th FFF)

Blogging · Fiction · stories · Thoughts

Peculiar visit… (Part 5)

. You can read part 1, part 2,  part 3 and part 4 here. . Christian steel blue gaze ping-ponged between the cracking fire and the screen of his phone. He wanted to peek over his shoulder really bad, but the look on Laura’s face would most probably spoil the surprise, so he just stood still.…… Continue reading Peculiar visit… (Part 5)

Blogging · Fiction · stories

The Block…

  The knock on the door was so soft, the cat himself hadn’t been bothered in his sleep, on the old beat-up couch. Stacy unlocked the apartment’s door, knowing all too well who she’d find on the other side. Just as she expected, the old lady stood, ready to knock once again, probably aware that…… Continue reading The Block…

Blogging · Fiction · stories

Lucky…(Wilfred, the retired gentleman)

  Linda had always earned her name… She was, indeed, beautiful. Always had been, even in her bad days. She was beautiful all the way, inside and out. He knew it, and even if the years had worked against them, Wilfred had never given up. And boy, was he glad he hadn’t. They weren’t meant…… Continue reading Lucky…(Wilfred, the retired gentleman)

Blogging · Fiction · stories · Word of the day

The hermit – part 5

  She bent over the skillet, and almost got high on the bacon baking scent. The sun had not yet risen over the horizon, and to be quite honest, she wasn’t even hungry. She leaned towards the fridge door, and grabbed a sausage to throw in the pan. On any other day, she would have…… Continue reading The hermit – part 5

Blogging · book · Fiction · M · Novel

M – Part Five

  I still have a chance to pull through, since he will undoubtedly have to get out of the office for a few minutes; there is no curtain around the tiny area for the examining table, and I hope to have a little intimacy to change into the hospital gown. I quickly look for paper…… Continue reading M – Part Five