Blogging · Instagram · Sharing · short · Thoughts

Could you give Bee a little help? 🐝

. Do you know Bee? This lovely lady has been fluttering around The Cove for years now. From what I understood, she and her husband, Andy, are enjoying a great tour in Ireland. And tomorrow is Andy’s birthday… Bee would like to surprise her dear husband with a wave of love and birthday wishes. So…… Continue reading Could you give Bee a little help? 🐝

Blogging · Me myself and I · Montreal · Thoughts

A little help, pretty pretty please…

. Like most people, I don’t like to ask for help. But this is so easy, that I’ll take a chance… After all, you Lovelies are the kindest of people, and I know that if I don’t ask, I won’t know if it could work. I would like to start doing ”Live” events on YouTube.…… Continue reading A little help, pretty pretty please…