Blogging · Denmark · Me myself and I · Thoughts

8,000 and counting…



Just a little less than 8 years ago, bending over my office keyboard, I was opening an account on WordPress, thus creating my dear little Cove.

I first did it, because a friend who enjoyed my offline writing thought I should spread my words out. It was also meant to be a place where I could write about Denmark, without having to worry about bothering my loved ones with my infatuation with Vikinland.

I didn’t expect it, but it became my little haven. And though I am not nearly as active as I was a couple of years back, it is still the place I come to, when I have steam to let out, or when I want to share good giggles.

Or a picture.

Or a thought.

And tonight, I hit a milestone that is much more valuable to me than the number of ”views” or ”likes” on any given post.

Today, I’ve hit the ”publish” button for the 8,000th time.

Which doesn’t mean that all of them 8,000 posts were useful or interesting. But I sure hope some of them were in a certain way.

Thank you, wether you’re one of my first Lovelies, or if you just pulled a chair to sit with us. Thank you for making this journey worth it! And it is not over…

Far from it.

Because even if I am not at my best at the moment, I am not going to give up anytime soon. No feckin’ way!  I’ll keep this convenience store blog alive. And wether you like my poetry, thoughts or everyday life anecdotes… They’ll keep coming.

I promise you that.

Thank you, for keeping me going… I love you all, my dear Lovelies!





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