Blogging · question · Thoughts

Cyranny’s quickie!



If you had to identify as an animal, which one would that be?


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8 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. When I was a child I remember telling people I wanted to be a dolphin because I loved water. Then I decided I would prefer to be a frog because they are amphibian. I like lots and lots of animals – giraffes, whales, horses, squirrels, rabbits, butterflies, seahorses…and more – wondrous creatures.

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  2. I have different spirit animals that represent different sides of me. My #1 is and always has been dolphins, but as I got older, I also started identifying with wolves and sharks too. When I scuba dive, the sharks just come right to me, and want to give me kisses. The nurse sharks roll over and want belly rubs, just like dogs do. They know I am not afraid of them, and they single me out. I have been dubbed the shark whisperer. 🙂


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