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Cyranny’s quickie!



What’s your favorite season? 


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9 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

    1. Same here, Yinglan 🙂 I love fall’s colors, but I think that I have to give bonus points to Spring, because of the fun I have starting my mini balcony garden (nothing compared to what you have LOL) and it does hold the promise of another summer 😉

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      1. Absolutely, spring is when everything blooms and grows while fall seems like it’s when nature slows down as the day gets shorter.
        I’ve already had to pull out quite a bit of my summer crops already as I prepare my garden for winter. 🙂

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    1. I love sumer too, but I prefer spring… I think it has to do with the fact that although summer weather is nicer, when it ends, it gives place to temperature going downhill. It’s all about rebirth… Then again, summer is soooo nice. Ok, now I’m not so sure anymore 😛


  1. I like them all, and I’m very thankful to live somewhere that has all four seasons. Each season has its own unique beauties, and even though each also has its drawbacks, there isn’t any season that I think I could get along without.


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