Blogging · Canada · Me myself and I · Montreal · nature · Québec · Thoughts

Little walk…

. Tonight, I had to go to the convenience store. Nothing to get excited about, I’ll give you that. But the weather-lady had been saying how comfortable the temperature was outside all day, and I had to admit, a little walk around the neighbourhood to get some fresh air was tempting. Us Freezinglanders get used…… Continue reading Little walk…

#1MinFiction · Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short · Thoughts

February 16th #1MinFiction Challenge

What’s the ”One Minute Fiction” challenge about? Easy. Each week I’ll provide a prompt to inspire you to write a very short story. The idea is to manage to type your whole story in a minute or less. Of course, you can think about it before hitting the keyboard, and you can take all your…… Continue reading February 16th #1MinFiction Challenge

Blogging · challenge · Word of the day

Crash – Word of the Day Challenge

Today’s Word of the day is Crash. If you want to participate, create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? See how to create pingbacks here. Please note that for the prompts that I publish, the comment box will now remain open for people who experience trouble with pingbacks. However, I won’t […]Crash…… Continue reading Crash – Word of the Day Challenge