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Cyranny’s quickie!



What’s the most unusual museum that you have visited?



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8 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. I cannot think of any “unusual” museums I have been to, although I have been to museums in most countries I have been to.

    It was not a museum, but when we were in Ghana, we visited a coffin workshop to see their display of coffins. If you google “Ghana coffins” and look at the images, you may get an idea as to what we saw!

    I do like museums. I find it fascinating to see how empires and nations have boasted about their own brilliance and glory, claimed they were the wisest and most enlightened and sophisticated of men, and then….crumbled. It’s as if men and women just fall into the same traps over and over again. Sometimes when I see modern politicians with their lofty ideas, I wonder how it would look when they are also just museum exhibits.


  2. There is a really bizarre museum in the East end of London.It is down in a basement below a store and has a lot of witchcraft stuff and weird burial rites etc. Cant remember the name of it.


  3. I visited a museum that had a display dedicated to cute ceramic dog statues. It was in China and it was to welcome the year of the dog in 2018. I think that was a pop-up museum. The statues were so adorable but yeah, I would put that under unusual museums.


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