Blogging · challenge · Fiction · NYC Challenge · short

Not THAT rich…




When he pulled in the drive in, her jaw dropped on her lap.

They had been dating for a couple of weeks, but always on neutral ground. She couldn’t tell why, but they both enjoyed keeping things a bit on the mystery side. And that afternoon, when he had suggested to end their date at his place, she hadn’t suspected this mansion.

Not only was he painfully handsome, funny and witty, but apparently, he was rich too.


Helping her out of the car, he led her to the door, and invited her in.

She was curious to visit the whole place, but they both had something else on their mind. Pulling her closer, bending down to her ear, he whispered…

May I show you to the master bedroom?

She agreed and they rushed through the corridors, giggling, hand in hand. Just before entering the room, he stopped and turned around to kiss her with passion.

They started undressing each other, just aside the large king side bed. She pressed herself against him, blinded by lust. Until an engine sound killed the mood.

He rushed to the window.

Looking at her, he suddenly told her,

Quick, roll under the bed!

She stared at him, wondering what was going on. She grabbed her bra and asked him why she had to do so.

I’m sorry, I’m just this home’s keeper… And the owner is back. I’ll come back and get you out of here soon.

She crawled under the bed, unhappy. 



This short fiction is a ”practice” for November’s NYC Midnight 250 word Microfiction Challenge, using one of the NYC Midnight Challenges previous prompts: Romantic comedy / Hiding under a bed / Owner.  


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