30 Day Writing Challenge · Blogging · challenge · Fiction · French · Jukebox · Me myself and I

10 songs that inspire your love scenes…

At first, I thought today’s challenge would be difficult to complete.

I don’t usually listen to music when I write, because I tend to get distracted by the lyrics, and I end up singing along most of the time. So I thought that making a list of songs that can inspire love scenes would be tough.

But then I realized that in order to be able to write a romantic scene, I have to get into a special state of mind. If I don’t get that tingling, my love story turns out just blend and uninteresting.

Each and everyone of the following songs give me goosebumps everytime I listen to them. You’ll probably notice that it is very eclectic, some very old songs, some more recent. A lot of French too, and even if you can’t understand the lyrics, I’m pretty sure you’ll get a good feel of the songs anyway.

I thought about briefly explaining why these songs spoke to me… But some of the stories are quite personal. So I’ll let you get your own impressions!


L’encre de tes yeux – Francis Cabrel


Let her go – Passenger


L’amour existe encore – Céline Dion


White blank page – Mumford & Sons


Je déteste ma vie – Pierre Lapointe


How can I tell you – Cat Stevens


Je suis malade – Lara Fabian


Thousand kisses deep – Leonard Cohen


Dis, quand reviendras-tu? – Barbara


Weak in the knees – Serena Ryder


What about you? What songs put you in a good mood for writing romantic fiction, or love scenes?

If you’d like to check out Marquessa’s list, click here.

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