Blogging · Cibelle & Vohne · Dreams · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Just thinking…



Dear Lovelies,

To say that the last couple of weeks (or months, depending on where you live) have been life changing, is an understatement. I am pretty sure you’ll all agree.

It is easy to feel depressed or to be overwhelmed with anxiety.

But we always have the choice of how we play the cards we’re being dealt. And after a couple of days adjusting to my new secluded life, I remembered something I had told Chéri a thousand times, before covid-19.

If I could only get a couple of months of free time, at home… I’d give myself the chance to focus on writing a book, without having to worry about work or anything else.

And guess what? As bad as this corona virus is, it is giving me just that. Many weeks home, not allowed to go out unless absolutely necessary.

You might have noticed that I have removed my Cibelle & Vohne page. I also made all of the series’ posts private. And of course, there’s a reason to that. I am revisiting this whole tale, and patchworking my posts to hopefully have a book on the way, before the end of the pandemic.

I must say, working on this project is mind-soothing. Cibelle and Vohne’s universe is much more fun to wander through than staying in this invisible enemy war we’re facing, these days. And with a little luck, their fantasyland can benefit at least one reader, once I’m done.

So wish me luck…

Although luck has nothing to do with it. I am working hard, hoping that it will be my chance to throw something positive in the universe.

Still… wish me luck, just in case… LOL


23 thoughts on “Just thinking…

    1. Thank you, Miriam 🙂 It is funny, I was afraid I may not get in the right mood to write this kind of fantasy, because of the stress. The origin of this story dates back to more than 2 years ago. And when I started to re-read the first episodes, I dove right back in my two love-birds’ universe… *fingers crossed*

      I hope your project is going well too 😉 *big hugs* dear friend! xx

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    1. Thank you 🙂 And yes, I think this will be the key to keeping sane during this crisis, and if I manage to wrap everything up before I have to go back to work, it’ll be super rewarding!! Do you have any project to change your mind?

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      1. It’s a great goal to have! Good luck with it all!! I am still working but am working from home, so with that and not being able to go anywhere, I have a bit of extra free time which is nice. I am trying to keep up with blogging more, I find it difficult to find the time to do it normally so I want to focus on that a bit more at the moment. We’ll see how it goes!


  1. Yea!  Something good coming out of this!  Good luck, I cant wait to read the finished project.  Of course with all good stories, I hatd to see them end🙄😳🤗😂♥️

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    1. Thank you Cheryl ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much for all your support since the very beginning of this story, and even since the beginning of The Cove. Without people like you, this would never have happened 🙂 xx

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