Africa · Blogging · question · Thoughts

Cyranny’s quickie!




What’s the most romantic thing someone ever did for you?




For more Quickies, click here.

P.S. Please be aware that I am currently traveling myself, so it is possible that my replies to your comment take a couple of days to come… But I’ll do my best to come back to you as soon as possible!

4 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. My husband and I didn’t have a formal wedding, so we didn’t have a cake. For our 10th anniversary he gifted me with a wedding cake made of Legos that he made. There are even 2 minifigs on top of the bride and groom!


  2. Maybe I am getting mixed up between kindness and romantic gestures…

    A friend (not a love interest) sent me an enormous box when I was ill – inside was a very large teddy. She sent flowers too.

    Another friend drove up from London to Liverpool with my nice new pillows (the pillows at my sister’s home where I was staying where like flat pancakes). He was so kind to do that!

    A guy who I had been spending a lot of time with…a lot of time…proposed to me in a restaurant. I was shocked because we had been working together and socialising with a group of friends, but we were not even dating. So I was dumbfounded when he asked me to marry him. I said no. That was the right decision.

    Another friend proposed to me in the middle of a business meeting. One of the directors had just made a few cold comments towards me (another story)…and this friend, who had been a great friend for around ten years and we had been on holiday together (years earlier I had a crush on him), stood up and said all sorts of astonishing things about me…I was aghast! He came out with the most preposterous accolades of adoration towards me and said I was the inspiration of his life, and then he knelt down and said he wanted me to be by his side forever. All the other men in the meeting managed to pour cold water over him before I did (figuratively speaking). I never gave him a real answer, but the answer would have been no. I think my face said it all.

    A friend knew I was down, so he whisked me off to a concert at The Royal Albert Hall to cheer me up.

    A friend bought me a train ticket to get to a special meeting he had arranged for me to meet with someone who was able to change my life (quite literally).

    Many romantic moments between Jammy (my teenage sweetheart…
    Even Jack was romantic at times…
    And as for Goldfinch…he just fills me up with romance!


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