Africa · Blogging · question · Thoughts · Travel

Cyranny’s quickie!




Boat, plane… car or train? What do you prefer to travel by?




For more Quickies, click here.

P.S. Please be aware that I am currently traveling myself, so it is possible that my replies to your comment take a couple of days to come… But I’ll do my best to come back to you as soon as possible!

16 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

      1. You’ll love it. The rocking and clinking make for a great nights sleep, and you’ll see scenery you wouldn’t ever have access to. Have fun. 😃


      2. Wonderful! Thanks! That is what made us decide to take the train, to see the scenery! Well and because my husband’s ears really hurt him when we fly. Don’t have to worry about that on a train. 🙂

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