Blogging · French · Me myself and I · poetry · short · Thoughts

Micro poésie du vendredi…



Mes yeux

ont mis des années

à s’accoutumer à la brillance

de tes mots…


Quand je les ai entendus

de tes lèvres,

j’ai cru que tu voulais





5 thoughts on “Micro poésie du vendredi…

    1. I should make it a habit to translate my poems, even if they lose some of their charm in the process… But there is always Mme Suze to give you a taste of her appreciation of my French! lol

      Thanks for the kind words Colin 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  1. for all of those (like me0 that don’t speak any french I have once again translated this glorious poem for your delectation! Here we go again!
    Me or you, once in a bad year one of us has a has a great idea about accessories! We never did intend to use shutters as a hat but just look! How Chic! How lovely! We gain so much in thinking together!

    And there it is…the French are using shutters as hats! Quite a terrific fashion statement……

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Suze, you’re just fabulous, as usual!! And I particularly love the fact that this time, the translation is even longer than my poem! And I must say I had no idea again what I was talking about… I knew about shutter glasses, but how excentric of “me” to refer to them as hat… Out of oblivion! (I am not looking up oblivion… I have a feeling it doesn’t fit here, but my brain wanted to use the word… so. That’s it! Not even appologizing! LOL)

      *Hugs to you, Gorgeous!!*


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