
An Akvavit kind of craving…


Christmas glorious days are over… For this year. And it is now time to get ready to welcome 2016. I have to say I am a little anxious. I used to be very welcoming with new years, but since the accident that happened 2 years ago, on New Year’s Eve, ruining temporarily my dream to make a fool of myself crying my pure joy in foetal position on the sidewalk in front of Kastrup’s airport… Nah, not so eager to change years now.

I work on the 1st of January… So I don’t have time to travel to Trois-Rivières and celebrate with my family as we are used to. Instead, my parents and brother will join me for a quiet and hygge evening at my place in Montréal.

I don’t receive people to my apartment often. Not that I don’t enjoy spending time with people I love, but I have a pretty thick bubble, and I feel most comfortable when it is not invaded by anybody. Every time I have people over, I am happy I did afterwards. But before the arrival of my guests, I am extremely stressed. Is the house clean enough? Do we have enough food? Will I entertain everybody to their liking? Will everyone be happy they came??

I was planning my preps for tomorrow when I felt I needed a little something Danish to spice up my upcoming celebration… And I remembered Akvavit. I had akvavit once, in Toronto, in a nice Scandinavian restaurant. I had read about the liquor many times, and I really enjoyed it’s flavor and the warm feeling in my throat. It was a chilly night,and sipping it while waiting for my fisk frikadeller made me feel a little closer to Denmark.

So I made a research online to make sure our liquor stores held it in stock. Tomorrow night, I’ll introduce my family to this Danish classic, even if I don’t have the typical glasses to serve it. The meal will be totally north american, but I’ll put my little touch 😉

I just wonder… Is akvavit a liquor that is appreciated by most Danes, or is it a little old fashioned? Let’s say I were to be invited to a typical Danish party, or if I attended a supper in a nice restaurant, is akvavit a drink I could expect to be served?

No matter the answers, I sure will enjoy my shot tomorrow, and I will drink to the Danes that made me discover Denmark, to those who accompany me nowadays, and to my future acquaintances…



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