Cyranny’s Cove for dummies…


First of all, let me make a correction… There ain’t no dummies in here, but to fit the popular books’ theme, I had no choice… Alright?

So…. I thought I’d do a little manual for new-comers.  Because the Cove is slowly getting a busier place and although there really isn’t any rule to follow, there are a thing or two to know to get the best out of your experience….

– Everybody’s welcome in the Cove! Except if you don’t respect the other Lovelies around! In that case, I might use my Viking Ninja skills to show you the way out. The Cove is meant to be a fun, comfortable place. If you mess with my Lovelies, you mess with me… 😉

– The Cove is a convenience Blog. Yes, like a convenience store. Open 24/7, all year long. There is a little of everything, and depending on my moods, my free time and my inspiration, I might be silly, then poetic, going on serious and coming back to humor after a while…

– I like to publish posts, but I looooove interacting with other bloggers! And sometimes, the chats that follow a post are almost funnier than the post itself. That is why I created the Your Comments Make My Blog A Better Place Award. You like blogging Awards? You like collecting them? Well, what are you waiting for? Express yourself, surprise me, and you just might get nominated!

– Challenge is my middle name…  Wether it is with The opinionated ManMomma, #NovemberNotes, The A to Z Challenge (ok, those last two are taking me more time than planned, but remember that the turtle won the race!) co-writing blogs with Notthedane56 or taking over Linda’s Cabbage Patch for a day, don’t dare me if you don’t want me to jump in! I will join you in any challenge… And I like “silly”.



Recurrent posts in the Cove:




Les nombrils de semaine: If you see this little guy, it is all about sharing posts from bloggers I like. I usually do “Nombrils de semaine” on Wednesday, because it is the middle of the week, and the expression “Nombril de semaine” means Wednesday! I admit to having posted one on Thursdays a few times, but hey, it is just like having a navel on the hip… And I think it works too!




-Cyranny’s Jukebox : You know me? You know what a Jukebox is? Well, that’s pretty much the concept… The Jukebox posts are about music, because it is very present in my life. Sometimes unintentionally. (I get ear worms all.the.time! You know when a song gets stuck in your head, playing on “repeat” for hours if not days? Well, it could be considered a chronic disease in my case!) I mostly try to put music from Québec in my Jukebox, to share with you what’s being done musically speaking here… But I occasionally go for tunes that make me happy regardless where they come from…


Micro-poésie du vendredi: Meaning “Friday’s micro-poetry”. It says it all… Every Friday, I post some piece of poetry in French. Because, well, I am French Canadian… lol But with time, I have to say that I’ve come to hope for Suze’s freelance translation for English speakers…


Picture Battles: Usually against OM, but they can be against pretty much anybody. Here’s the deal… I surf around, find a post that features pretty much just a picture. I then go hunting for MY version of the same thing… take my picture, and sometimes I get lost in blabbers too, but that doesn’t matter, the important thing is the picture I blattle the other blogger with! Note that you can jump in a battle at anytime… The more the merrier (that’s what the Vikings used to say, anyway!) you just have to post your own photo (with or without the blabbering) and just link me and the other blogger who I battled in the first place, and make sure to let me know you’ve join the fight! lol


Looking back on…Published at the beginning of each month, this is a lookback on the new flags added to my collection. Why collect flags, you might wonder? Well, it is pretty simple. When I founded the Cove, it took quite a while before traffic started to flow. I looked at other blogs that had lots of views and likes, and couldn’t help but envy them a little… It was useless, since 1) I couldn’t force people to come and/or like what I did… and 2) With all the ups and downs of life, I didn’t want to set my goals on statistics, because it would only put more pressure on my otherwise already “pressurefull” life. So, I decided that my ultimate blogging goal would be to get a “view” from every country on the planet. I think that’s a pretty sweet goal to aim at. Think about it, wouldn’t it be nice to look at a world map and think “at least one person in everyone of those countries has read some of my words”? I believe so. With that in mind, I publish fun facts about the new countries that visited the Cove during the past month. I insist on the fact that even if sometimes it might look like I am mocking some countries, I am just looking at peculiar facts that will make you Lovelies smile…


Let me be your voice: That is brand new… Like, barely coming out of the oven-new. I posted a while ago about the idea of publishing other bloggers’ stories. Because sometimes, we need to do a little dusting in the dark corners of our mind, and writing about painful memories is very liberating. But publishing it on your own blog can be intimidating… What will people think, when they discover this about me? Right? Well now, you just have to get your fingers running on that keyboard of yours, and then send me your untold pain via my contact page, and I will release it for you, in the Cove, mentionning it is part of “Let me be your voice” (so not taking any credit for your post) but without mentionning anything whatsoever regarding the author. I really hope this will work out!


So… This is just a start. Visit from time to time to get updates on the “musts” and the “don’ts” in the Cove 🙂 This page is not a post, but a living part of the Cove that will grow with time (hopefully). And remember that everyone of your visits, “likes”, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated…

Cyranny xx

44 thoughts on “Cyranny’s Cove for dummies…

    1. I’ll give you a few lessons with pleasure… Have you ever handled a sword? I might have to get you a small one to begin with 😛

      Thanks for the YCMMBABP award… Don’t hesitate to use it if you have great “commenters” on your blog 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yay! I haven’t handled any sword…unless kitchen knife would pass for a sword =p
        For a few seconds, I had to think to figure out what YCMMBABP means…when I read “award” the lightbulb lighted-up immediately, LOL! 😊 Have a great day Cyranny! **Hugs back at you! **

        Liked by 2 people

      2. And a great day to you to Nina 🙂

        I will try to sort and list what can/can’t be used as a sword (OMG this has triggerred the need to make a post out of it… but I doubt I’ll have time…. Urghhh it would have been! I guess I’ll just keep it in my back pocket!! )

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Nice to see you in the Cove Miriam 🙂 And you are right… There is a lot of action going on lately! I am lucky to have many great people come by and leave a note, or stay for a while and chat a little…

      I love the way things are going 🙂

      I hope to talk to you again soon! xx

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I have my great grand daddy’s sword..he used it in our civil war, or the war of northern agression as he called it…and I know how to use it. I have sliced watermelons and my own fingers with it with great success…it isnt a \viking sword though. I think i’d like to use a viking sword..does it come with the Ninja costume? Can I get mine in a size XL? I like roomy floaty clothing and yes, I KNOW Ninja clothes are supposed to be skin tight but I don’t move that well in tight clothing……nor do I look that terrific in them..and can I have a purple and red Ninja suit instead of the obligatory black ones? Black washes me out so I look half dead…..and yes, i am old enough to be half dead but my clothes don’t need to remind me of it. What were you fussing about the page isn’t where it is supposed to be anyway? cause I am commenting on it and I am in the cover so it must be correct, right? or did you NOT get a cuppa coffee this morning? or the not the dane might have moved it prior to telling you he did so you just thought it moved? sounds almost reasonable to me..but then I haven’t had but two hours sleep so what do I know. That unicorn is hanging out in the corner annoying me. maybe i should take a nap….or drink my 72nd cupps coffee. yea that works. hi, who are you again?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well I think I can say without fear of being wrong that this covered quite a few points… Let me see if I can answer to all your questions…

      -The Viking sword does come with the Ninja suit… It being a Viking-Ninja class. But we will start the exercices using butter knives since some in the group have never handled swords in the past… Obviously, I’ll let you switch to more serious things fast, and maybe we can slice oranges and apples, and all sorts of fruit and make a salad for the gang? We could make a show out of it, and go on tour around the world… I am pretty sure the Viking-Ninja fruit salad would sell well!
      -You can get a purple/red loose Ninja suit (because I love you… all the others will have to wear black exclusively! – not meaning I don’t love them, but I love you in a special bright colory way) BUT, you will have to accept that I don’t take you with the crew when we have missions happening in the middle of the night. I just couldn’t stand to lose you for such a stupid things as unsuitable camouflage (A little like that time Canada sent soldiers in a desert mission wearing forest camouflage suits…. NOT GOOD!)
      -The fuss… Well the fuss was BEFORE I had an epiphany this morning, and found out how to pin my new page to my headline. I did then update my yesterday post… but Notthedane had nothing to do with this… This is a victory of my own!! Yay! And you are right, I hadn’t had my first coffee… but not only of this morning… I haven’t had my first coffee EVER, which might explain a thing or two….

      Oh well, my shift is over… Join me if you will! Tonight, I’m having hot dogs!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I am? really and truly? awwwwwwwwwwwwww, (pretend blushing) you are so SWEET! (sucking up now) and I really love all your comments. Checking you out now (translation: stalking you for idea swiping and other nefarious purposes)

      Liked by 3 people

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