Blogging · question · Thoughts

Cyranny’s quickie!



What really grosses you out, in your everyday life?


For more Quickies, click here

8 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. That’s got to be the insane amounts of mucus my trachea and lungs insist on producing. I get so tired of the non-stop throat clearing and spitting that plague my life, and it always seems to strike at the worst time (I can’t tell you how many times it’s struck on the karaoke stage, ugh!!!!).

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks. Even happened to me just a couple of hours ago, but I powered through and finished the song strong.

        (Must have done well anyway, the karaoke jockey jumped in and sang with me!)


    1. Pffffff… I don’t want to reveal things I shouldn’t, but I’ll just say that you probably don’t have to worry about looking at yourself in a mirror. (please take it as a compliment 😉 ) xx


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