Blogging · Me myself and I · Opinion

Lost & found…

. Today, something really weird happened. After a long day at work, I was chilling on the couch, doing some random researches on my tablet, minding my own business. I won’t go through the details of my research, that would be a bit embarassing, but let’s just say I was inquiring about serial killer neighbours,…… Continue reading Lost & found…

#1MinFiction · Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short · Thoughts

July 12th #1MinFiction Challenge

What’s the ”One Minute Fiction” challenge about? Easy. Each week I’ll provide a prompt to inspire you to write a very short story. The idea is to manage to type your whole story in a minute or less. Of course, you can think about it before hitting the keyboard, and you can take all your…… Continue reading July 12th #1MinFiction Challenge