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Cyranny’s quickie!



What would you say, is your biggest flaw?


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6 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Pulling a face whenever people ask me for money – because I work part-time and live on a shoestring budget so I can work for charities. So, when someone – friend or stranger – comes to me and asks if I will lend or give them money – I give them the third degree about why they are asking someone else for money, what is it for, do they need it, should they be seeking funds through a more formal appropriate means than turning to me when I have hardly any money at all. I used to work in a part of London where I was asked for money by about ten people every day. I never carry cash in London, but some men offered to walk me to the cash machine so I could withdraw cash for them. It all became quite daunting. A young lady the other day who looked healthy and well asked me to give her money and then started to pronounce curses on me when I declined. I give money and I give a huge amount of time to organizations that help people who are in desperate situations – providing training and material needs – and I know every penny I give is used wisely and will benefit those who need it. But giving money to someone I do not know and not being sure what they will do with it – will it go to someone forcing them into begging – a modern form of slavery – it just does not feel right.


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