
Pursuing the Valkyrie dream…

I got a letter from Odin yesterday. He seems pretty impressed with my interest in the job. And he has a few buts…  Among those; Not good looking enough. (Odin will have to do with my face, not changing that) Not tall enough. (Maybe I can find shoes that’ll help) Not fluent yet (Odin doesn’t…… Continue reading Pursuing the Valkyrie dream…


Work in progress…

I am still training my Valkyrie moves, and I thought I’d give sword fighting a try! But I don’t have a sword yet, and no opponent either. So I attacked my coat hanger fiercely with an empty paper towel carton tube in my hand, tripped on my selfmade white gown, fell to the ground and…… Continue reading Work in progress…


I need a soulbag…

Since I decided to be a Valkyrie, I made a little research to be sure to be a good one. I Googled “How to be a good Valkyrie”, but most of the suggested links seemed to be about role-playing (which I already know too much about) and videogames (which I couldn’t care less about). I…… Continue reading I need a soulbag…


Gods and Goddesses…

Yesterday I had a mild disagreement with Lucas about the Scandinavian Goddess Freja I have named my kitten after. A bit pompous?… Maybe. I doubt Freja will ever measure the importance of her name. That would be quite surprising. And I never thought I would argue with a Dane about Scandinavian mythology. Especially with Lucas.…… Continue reading Gods and Goddesses…