Blogging · French · poetry · short · Thoughts

Micro Poésie du vendredi… (September 22nd FFF)

I was invited, (well, not personally, but still) to  Fandango’s Friday Flashback!

Fandango scrolls back, every Friday, and gives a second chance to a post he had published on the same date, years before. I thought it was a great way to remember some of the stuff I did a while back, and I decided to participate…

So here it is!

Written on September 22nd of 2017, here’s the 54th micro poetry piece of a long series of very short French poems I used to write on Friday evenings. It might seem simple, but I think a lot of writers would agree that it is easier to write a story of a thousand words, than sum up a thought in just a few.

I hope you’ll enjoy it (again), and I wish you’re safe and well, wherever you are… 🙂





La nuit est un pays


Où tout se conjugue

à deux.



You can visit the original post here.

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