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Cyranny’s quickie!



What’s one thing that you are surprised is not obsolete, yet?


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19 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Well…when I was away recently, I caught a bus and the driver informed me that it was cash only – no card payments. In London, I just don’t ever carry cash. But it sounds as if cash still exists out of London.

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    1. Hahahahahahahahaha (Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh). Personally, I still carry cash in my purse at all times, just in case, but we had a similar problem in Norway years back. Chéri and I needed coins to store our bags in a locker, but people in Norway hardly use any cash. So we had to walk for the longest time just to get a handful of change from a store.

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      1. Exactly!! When they tell you they only accept cash…and then you realize you are miles away from a cash machine! That basically sums up public transport in rural areas!!!


      1. Oh, Anne, you’re making me feel like so old (kidding). I still carry cash and we still have a land line at home. LOL But you are absolutely right. These things are bound to disappear soon, just like public phones (I was surprised to spot one in the subway yesterday when we went out).

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      1. Yep! I was tired when I responded and read obsolete as extinct as well, but I still think the same thing. The fact they move so slow, it’s hard to imagine they are still able to survive since predators and man encroach on their spaces.

        The thing I am shocked isn’t obsolete (by the actual definition) is snail-mail.


    1. OMG yessssss… I can’t believe doctors and pharmacies still rely on that to this day!! I don’t even think that doctors use pagers anymore. Why oh why are faxes still in use?? Great pick good Sir 🙂

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      1. I actually said that with tongue in cheek. My kids all drive manual transmission cars and they don’t just prefer them, they actively despise automatic transmission. My son tried (unsuccessfully) for years to persuade me to convert, offering to teach me himself. I always replied by offering to teach him how to use a mimeograph machine (an obsolete technology with which I am very well acquainted). 🙂


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