Blogging · question · Thoughts

Cyranny’s quickie!



What’s one moment in your life, when you thought ”It IS a small world, indeed”?


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2 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Many years ago I became friends with a Canadian woman who had moved with her American husband to our little midwestern town. Some years later, a former neighbor of mine introduced me to a young Canadian woman, married to a U.S. citizen, who had recently moved to town. Given that both Canada and the U.S. are very large countries, it never even occurred to me to draw a connection between couple number one and couple number two. But shortly after meeting the younger Canadian woman, I learned that she was the daughter of the minister who had performed the marriage ceremony for couple number one.


  2. On the way back from Paris I was sitting next to a lady on the plane. We got to talking and not only was she from the US, but from my state and the small town right next to the small town that I am from! What are the odds! 🙂


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