A to Z Challenge · Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short · Thoughts

H like Hylomania…




Tom invited everybody to sit down.

Thank you for coming… Welcome to our little circle. Quick reminder, there’s no pressure. If you’re ready to share, we’re here to listen. If you’re not, just sit back and learn from the group.

A lady rose, and started sharing. She was soon followed by another, and after a couple of testimonies, a new member stepped into the conversation.

Hi, I’m Martin. I’m addicted to buying stuff… All kinds of stuff.

Confused gazes turned to Tom.

Gang… An addiction is an addiction, and there’s no judging here. So Martin, tell us about your story…


This year, I am dedicating my A to Z Challenge to 100 words pieces of fiction, based on unusual (sometimes a little obsolete) words. If you’d like to get the full list of my challenge posts, just click here.


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