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Cyranny’s quickie!



Can you believe that after two years dealing with the pandemic, we might be facing WWIII?


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9 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Despite the insanity of what has happened in the last 24 hours I do not believe we are on the cusp of WWIII. I’m not sure how this can be resolved but I doubt a World War will ensue. Our son has spent time in Kyiv and he said he thinks it is a nice city and it is so sad to see on tv people in the subway stations trying to avoid being bombed. He is currently in Montenegro and although that is a distance from Ukraine there are Russian supporters in Montenegro who want to rejoin Serbia. So I wish he was at his home in London and not in Eastern Europe.


  2. I’m hoping that this doesn’t evolve to that level, but considering how there were relatively minor consequences to Putin’s takeover of Crimea, I hope the response this time will be more significant.


  3. We are thinking of all our colleagues in Ukraine and in Russia and in other lands who peace-seeking and love life and love people. From the news reports I have seen so far, it is very upsetting to think of how millions of Ukrainians have been effected.

    As for what I expect with regards to world events and conditions at this time, it is so much like a mother with labour pains – the symptoms and signs are becoming more intense, more frequent, more distressing. But there will be an end to the period of great tribulation, there will be an end to violence, injustice, corruption, cruelty, abuse, racism, economic extremes, and the suffering that terrible mismanagement of our earth has brought on so many. The grossly inadequate systems will be dissolved. Then as an international human family, we will have to work on making our beautiful planet the home it is supposed to be before one of the most breathtaking and heartwarming of all events occurs.


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