Blogging · question · Thoughts

Cyranny’s quickie!



 What’s one thing that made you laugh today?



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18 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Ooo, tough one. It’s a very gloomy overcast day here and a storm is on its way in if my joint pain is any indication. 👵🏻 But I suppose Ziggy gets the award, he is so funny, and comes in to ‘get’ me when he considers I’ve sat at that “big stupid square thing’ long enough. He does that by barking sharply several times and then trotting in and out of the computer room. He glares too. It’s hilarious.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hope the storm is long gone now 🙂 Pets are priceless when it comes to lifting our mood, aren’t they? Sometimes I wonder what Freja thinks when she stares at me working… She probably worries about my mental health, since I speak pretty much non stop, with no one else in the room 😛


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