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Cyranny’s quickie!



What’s one thing you always keep on (or in) your nightstand?



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21 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

      1. I think the mask has a psychological effect on me. We live in the country so it is pretty dark here but when I put on the mask I think something kicks in and I go to sleep.


    1. The only times I wore one of these were when I was traveling by plane… I wake up too early to need one. But, if I ever get to retire (my retirement date still sounds like a Sci-Fi Movie title), I’ll most likely buy myself one, and use it to sleep better 😉

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  1. I have a lamp, a box of tissues on the top. On the shelf there are books, a hairbrush, some perfume, some minty breath spray, an intruder alarm/security device, a windup torch. In the drawer below are books and magazines, some English, some in other languages. On the rare occasion I cannot sleep, I find trying to read in another language helps me to go to sleep. I have no idea why.


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