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Cyranny’s quickie!



If you suddenly couldn’t go out of you home at all… How long could you go, with what you have in your fridge and pantry, right now?



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16 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Quite a while because I keep staples. Fresh fruit is scarce to buy but I don’t have canned or frozen right now, veggies some do would be fine. 😳


  2. A couple of months…if I conserved. I’d have the advantage of living amidst hunting areas. Deer are plentiful, rabbits. We have county water to the house now, but our cistern is still operational, so fresh water wouldn’t be an issue either. Gas would be an issue eventually, for generator and other tools. We could heat and cook with wood if need be. We could survive indefinitely if we had too, I think.


  3. Well, I am pretty well-stocked today. I have had to organize my kitchen cupboards recently and now I have a large box with flour, sugar, baking ingredients. A box with rice, pasta, couscous, polenta, buckwheat. I have lots of tins of butter beans, black eyes beans, mixed beans, baked beans chopped tomatoes, chickpeas etc. I have dried lentils – red and green. Jars of harissa, olives, unusual pesto, capers, sun-dried tomatoes, tahini, pickled cucumbers, mustard, chutney, jam. Bottles of various types of oils, vinegars, soy sauce and other flavourings. I have potatoes, onions, garlic, ginger. I have bottles of cordial – lime&mint, ginger&lemon and a winter fruits cordial. Then there is the contents of my fridge – lots of veggies, herbs, hummus I made last night, soup I made last night, almond milk, diary free cream cheese, vegan cheeses from Sumear, red fruits. In the freezer I have some bread, frozen pease, butternut squash and lots of portions of curry I made and then froze for quick meals. Yes….I could last quite a long time on the contents of my kitchen as of today. But once I run out of fresh veggies, fruit and almond milk I would start grumbling.


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