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Cyranny’s quickie!



Do you like the seasons’ changes, or would you rather have the same weather all year long? 


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12 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. I’m in Southern California, so there isn’t interesting change, just hotter or cooler, plus bursts of dreaded dry wind. Back East, the changes were pretty, especially trees…


  2. Oh that is hard for me…..I want to be grown up and say all the seasons are important – but in my heart I just want it to be spring and summer all the time. I love the outdoor life. Winter is hard for me.


  3. When I lived in the city of San Francisco, there wasn’t much of a difference between seasons. But now I live around 35 miles east of San Francisco and the summers are very hot and the winters, while not cold, are cooler than they are in the city. I preferred the climate in San Francisco. I didn’t need different clothes for summer and winter.


  4. If you want the same type of weather and season almost all year long – Move to San Diego California! There are only about 10 days out of the year where the sun doesn’t shine at least once a day.


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