Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

The occasional little pat on the back…


Have you ever been in a relationship with a person that made you feel like crap for a long while, to the point where when they finally gave you a little pat in the back, it felt like too little too late? You wanted to be genuinely grateful, but the little voice in the back of your head kept reminding you of all the times that pat could have made a real difference.

You all know the many glitches we’ve had to blog through, recently. I’ve read many of your rants about the changes WordPress is forcing on a number of us. Things change subtly and suddenly, and not always for the better. And let’s face it, the past fourteen months haven’t been the best time to start changing something that a lot of us (at least I think) consider like our little comfortable nook away from the madness of real life.

A couple of days back, I got a new notification that said that I was on a 275 days streak! Yay me!

I didn’t remember getting that notification in the past years. To be quite honest I prefer the ”Wow, you’re getting a lot of traffic” one, although it is usually the product of a faraway bot hitting on my homepage restlessly. But every now and then, I get a lucky day when for some mysterious reasons, real people make my stats boom. And that’s quite a feelgood moment. (So you know what to do, if you want to make my day… Invite your friends over and click on a few posts, hehehehe)

But back to my streak…

The next day, as soon as I reposted the Word of the Day du jour, I got another notification. You’ve posted 276 days in a row on Cyranny’s Cove! Keep up the good work. 

And then yesterday it was 277 days in a row.

And the above, I got today.

Knowing that unless something really bad, or really good keeps me from blogging, I’m here everyday… Will I get a notification a day until I break said streak?

I don’t wan’t to look ungrateful, but I already know that it won’t be much of a surprise tomorrow morning, when I get told that I reached the big 279.

Do you get these notifications too?

How do you feel about them?

18 thoughts on “The occasional little pat on the back…

    1. It seems like it is reminding us of our ongoing streak everytime we publish a post. I don’t really get it. I enjoy the milestone notification, but this one is almost annoying 😛 Surprised?? 😛

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  1. Since I don’t post every day, I’ll never see one of those little notifications, and only once did I get one about the heavy traffic to my blog. Therefore, my notification box won’t be handing out too many pats in the back. Good for you though, to be consistent in your blogging!

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  2. I started getting these last week. The first one informed me that I had posted 558 days in a row, and my first reaction was, What’s so magical about the number 558? I didn’t realize that it was a new thing, and that I would get a similar notification every day.

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