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This is where it ends…



This is where it ends…
Finally and,
At long last.
It took me quite a while,
I walked barefooted in the darkness
Of my own lies.
Waiting… Waiting,
Patiently longing
For a sunrise that wouldn’t come.
Caught for days, months,
In a moonless night.
Drunk, half of the time
On your brilliant prose.
Until one morning, the sun suddenly rose.
I saw the light, I smelled the coffee
I understood,
I needed me.
Way more than I could ever
Need you.
Weight dropped from my shoulders…
Fresh start,
New day,
This life turn will take me a long way.

In reply to Bikurgurl’s 100 Word Wednesday Challenge.

2 thoughts on “This is where it ends…

  1. “I walked barefooted in the darkness, Of my own lies”

    Best line for how I’ve felt lately in our quarantine neverending pandemic 🖤 I could also say this would describe several relationships I’ve had . . . and that powerful line:

    “I understood I needed me.”

    Taking back the power. This sent chills down my spine – truly inspiring!

    Thank you for joining us again this week 🖤


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