30 Day Writing Challenge · Blogging · challenge · Me myself and I · Thoughts

5 things I am grateful for…



As this 30 days challenge is about to come to an end, I am supposed to list five things I am grateful for…

Of course, and as Marquessa mentionned it herself, there is the usual: Being grateful for having a beautiful and loving family, being healthy (although I am extra grateful for that point, given the present pandemic), having a safe roof over my head and food on my plate everyday… And so on, and so on…

But, if I dig deeper, there are more specific things I am grateful for, right now.

I am grateful,

For Chéri, because I honestly don’t think I would have been able to spend time 24/7 with anyone else, for five months without killing someone. Our apartment is pretty modest, and no matter how much I love my parents and my best friends, I just couldn’t have spent that much time with either of them, or anyone else, for that matter.

For my job, even if I have a history of ranting about it. Yes, the schedules are sometimes a nightmare, and yes, I’ve worked way too many overtime hours. Yes again, Booh Boss is not the friendliest boss I’ve had the pleasure of working for. But! Because I work for the government, I haven’t loss a single paycheck through the whole lockdown. And because the government has to set an example, we recently got the confirmation that we wouldn’t have to move back to the office before December 31st. Yeah, baby!!

For my inner voice. When we came back from Australia, at the end of February, people were starting to talk about a possible world pandemic, but it still seemed pretty improbable. Nonetheless, I quickly started to build a just in case stash of long lasting food. I think that even Chéri thought I was overacting, but when we were sent back home, and had trouble having appointments to get groceries delivered, he was glad I had prepared, behind his back.

For my good karma timing. Not a lot of people can say that they saw 2020 coming (and no… survivalists don’t count, since they always think we’re about to be hit by a tragedy). Had I known what was coming our way, I couldn’t have planned a better last pre-covid trip, than our trip to Australia. It was perfect. Not a lot of tourists, amazing weather, incredible experiences, and above all unforgettable encounters… Three weeks of pure bliss, before getting back home just in time for the lockdown. Just what I needed to get through what could be more than a year before leaving the country again. Thank you, Life!



Thank you Australia, for being my last memory of the world, pre-pandemic.


For you Lovelies. Last but not least… I am grateful that people like you still take the time to visit The Cove, even if it is not what it’s used to be. I haven’t gone silent, but things definately aren’t as they were, and even if I don’t get back to you, or do, but not as fast as before, I still see your lovely faces in the ”likes” and the comments. And that makes my day. I don’t know how I’d be doing with the voice The Cove gives me… In such odd times, knowing that people are there ”listening” all around the world, is very comforting. Thank you… Each and everyone of you!



What about you? What are some things you are grateful for? If you’d like to read Marquessa’s list, just click here.

6 thoughts on “5 things I am grateful for…

  1. Good post my Friend. This bug has caused a lot of negative problems to crop up or worsen. I’m thankful that my wife and I have remained safe…so far.

    I love my wife beyond words, but don’t think it is good to be joined at the hip 24/7. Fortunately we have a big house and can give each other sime space. I go to my office to write – that’s my job now. My wife can do her thing in another part. We have lunch together and then go back to our activities.

    When needed we go to doctor appointments together for support and some time out. Before her knee surgery, we went to the grocery together. We’ve made it work, but my heart and prayers go out to those who are struggling.

    God bless, my Friend.


  2. Loved this post! Since I have family in Australia, I had the opportunity to visit it a few times. Australia has so much to offer. I’m so happy you got to enjoy it before all this madness hit the world.


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