Blogging · Cyranny's Aussie Tour · Me myself and I · Thoughts · Travel · Word of the day

If you want to follow…



It’s almost time to leave winter behind, and fly towards summer like the silly Canadian goose that I am.

If you’d like to follow my whereabouts in Australia, just look for the above picture! Yes, I have accomplices in Oz, and I thought that this picture from one of them, would be perfect for my traveling posts.

I don’t think I’ll be able to post daily, but I’ll make sure to publish a couple of pictures, every now and then… And if you want to see more about my trip, make sure to visit me on Instagram (@thecyranny)

Time to go back to packing… Have a lovely Sunday!!



Via today’s Word of the Day Challenge: Journey

27 thoughts on “If you want to follow…

    1. True… I know how difficult entering Australia is… Hopefully we won’t get sent back right away 😛 If we get through customs, will I win the privilege to meet you? 😉


      1. Getting into the country is one thing. Getting out again quite another.

        As I say, I will keep an eye on your movements (that GPS personal tracking device you gave me should be useful) and … who knows? But there are far more interesting things than me to see here.


    1. Aww you’re so sweet Madame Suze 🙂 I will be super cautious, we have face masks and nose filters for our flights, and we’ll keep away from fires, floods and people sneezing 😛 And I’ll share our whereabouts… Maybe not daily but still 🙂


    1. We’ll be very careful 🙂 Did you get my email? I will get in touch when we are sure about the time we get to Brisbane! I really want to arrange a get together 🙂


      1. No. I didn’t get yout email. 😥 Yes, please contact me when you know of the time you will arrive. I do work on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but am available other times. God tur!!


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