Blogging · question · Thoughts

Cyranny’s quickie!




When thinking about the future, what do you fear most? Physical pain, or slowly losing mental abilities?




For more Quickies, click here.


32 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

    1. Good point, Rob! As much as I am afraid of losing my memory, or my mind altogether, I sometimes think about my grand mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s. I remember telling myself that after the stage where she was drifting between our reality and hers, she just lived in her own world, and had no physical pain to endure…


  1. When thinking about the future, what do you fear most? Physical pain, or slowly losing mental abilities? I don’t fear either of ’em much, but the cognitive loss I would miss more. IF I remembered that I lost my memory that is. 😉 There’s another variation on this quickie of yours: WHICH would you rather have: A strong active body with your mind gone OR be physically impaired (maybe to the point of being in a wheelchair) and have your mind as clear and sound as a bell? Since my situation is the latter, that explains why I don’t fear them. I’m already ‘there’. 🙂

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    1. At least, you don’t have the ”fear” factor? 😉 Although I wish you didn’t have to stuggle physically… It seems like I my memory is starting to fail me, this other Quickie is quite similar 😛 I’ll have to come up with more original questions…. Watch out tomorrow’s! Mouahahahahahahha


  2. Slowly losing mental abilities for sure 😦
    It’s even worse if it’s slowly because then you’re conscious of it every day. I’d hate to know that soon I won’t be able to write or just think like I do now.

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    1. I tend to think like you, since I too live with chronic pain (although probably nowhere near as bad as yours). It would be a real pain in the butt to suffer from both!!


      1. Thank you, but I really think you have more to worry about than I do. I have found ways to deal with the pain, and it is less and less bothering with years going by….


  3. Losing my mental faculties. My mother had both dementia and a massive stroke. She lived through both if these for 10 years in a nursing home. I would much die a quick and painful death than a slow death by one memory at a time.

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    1. I’m sorry to read about your mom’s long struggle…. I think ”speed” might be the key in this question. I’d accept either my physical or mental health going downhill easier, if it was a quick descent towards death….

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