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Cyranny’s quickie!




Are you a collector? What do you collect?




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9 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

  1. Yes! Anything and everything!! These days it’s mostly enamel pins, but other collections I’ve had in the past include Harry Potter and Star Wars LEGO sets, and stickers! Stickers were the first collection I ever had, from the time I was 7.


  2. No. I used to collect baseball cards and comic books when I was a kid, but then one day I came home from college and found that my father needed room for his tools so he threw out all of my baseball cards and comic books, which he called “kid stuff.” I was devastated and decided to never collect anything ever again. Well, that’s not entirely true. My wife says that I sit around and collect dust. 😱


  3. I collect scars. Most of them physical but not all. Originally they were gathered as badges of honour, collected via daring acts of courage and virility. Then there was a period of general repair – mending the damage accumulated during the years of abuse.
    These days they just result from acts of gross stupidity **- tripping over my own feet (both figuratively and literally).

    ** in truth all of them are related, in some way, to acts of stupidity, actually


  4. I have a (mostly) modest collection of crystals! Tumbled round crystals, pillars, clusters, of many types. It’s gotten to the point where they took over my desk, and I had to pack the small ones away in a small tacklebox. I’m hoping once we move that they can have their own place on a shelf.


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