Blogging · Me myself and I · Montreal · Thoughts

Meanwhile in Canada…


Early spring my a**… Thanks for nothing, Phil!

19 thoughts on “Meanwhile in Canada…

    1. Mouaahahahahha Lucky you!! Enjoy it Bee 🙂 Today we got about 8” of snow, sleet and then rain! I think that Mother Nature has the weather on ”Shuffle” this year 😛


      1. LOL Maybe we jinxed you by talking about it… I hope it’ll be back soon. If I can’t have an early spring, I think you should 😛


      2. 🙂 Thank you for the offer, but I think I will decline it. We just had 8 more inches (because, you know, we just needed more snow!! LOL) If the weather people didn’t just want to reassure us, the thermometer should show temperature above freezing point tomorrow! I can barely remember how that feels, Mouahahahahahaha


      3. This spring, I suspect that Québec will temporarely be a North American Venice 😛 I am so glad our apartment is on the second floor!! Mouahahahaha


      1. Trash panda! Mouahahahah first time I see that expression, and I really like it! And yes, I don’t think he can’t be more disappointing than good ol’ Phil 😛

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