Blogging · challenge · Quote · Thoughts

“There is a crack” – Day 2 of the Quote Challenge

Canadian singer and poet Leonard Cohen i


On this second day, I’d like to thank Dee, from Grateful Single Moms, (again) for inviting me to participate in the 3 day quote challenge.  I hope you are enjoying my participation… If not, pay Dee a visit, and file your complaint on her blog! LOL


Rules of the Challenge:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  • Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.


So my second quote du jour is the following;


“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.  – Leonard Cohen


This one, to me is beautiful because of its simplicity. We are all broken in some way. Be it after toxic relationships, because of bad health, or any struggle life can put on our path. We all stand wounded. These injuries make us vulnerable, and perhaps more open to good things… Maybe because when we are broken, we are seeking that light! I know I had my greatest epiphanies about life, in moments when I was trying to put myself back together…

I don’t even know if I am making sense here, LOL. Sorry if you don’t get my point. I just really like this quote and the image that comes with it.


Here are the three blogs I nominate for today;


Revenge of Eve

Therapy Bits

This made me smile today


And I’ll see you again, tomorrow… For the last day of this challenge (already, I know!)



Psssst! Here’s the audio… You don’t have to listen to the whole video, it is right there, just 50 seconds after the beginning!



6 thoughts on ““There is a crack” – Day 2 of the Quote Challenge

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