After Eight Moment · Blogging · Denmark · Me myself and I · music · Thoughts · Travel

After Eight Moments…


Your love
Is better than chocolate
Better than anything else that I’ve tried
And oh love is better than chocolate.
Everyone here knows how to fight
Sarah McLachlan



I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but every once in a while, I buy one of these Ritter Sport (“sport”?? Really? I don’t see how sports can be associated to chocolate, but hey, who am I to judge?) to nibble on. Like After Eight bars, they are made of dark chocolate and creamy mint filling, and they are my sweet péché mignon.
They are made in Germany, I think, and they remind me of Denmark, because I used to buy myself some when I traveled around Vikinland. Sweet sweet memories, indeed.
After taking the picture, this afternoon, it reminded me of Sarah McLachlan’s song, Ice Cream. It is one I like a lot, and one of the (very) few songs I can sing out loud without the slightest bit of shame.
So, yeah, lots of useless information, but for some reason, I felt like writing some kind of “making of” for this After Eight Moment…
If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here.

14 thoughts on “After Eight Moments…

  1. Sonofabeach, Candice and Tony… I am sorry, I did see that you had “liked” the previous post, but the text was just clumped and I couldn’t fix it…

    I had to trash the post and “redo” it.

    And Tony you are right… I think that for a lot of people, chocolate is a heavenly gift. And so is Love 🙂 xx


  2. Our love is like chocolate
    Melting softly between lips
    And sips
    Of champagne
    As we drink
    And think
    Of the future
    Knowing that
    If we keep doing it
    More than a bit
    We’ll get fat
    And what’s wrong with that?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I belong to Project Semicolon, ; for addicts, addiction, bi-polars, suicide prevention. I am now four years clean-and-sober. I medicate for addiction to alcohol. But I cannot find a pill to control my addiction to M&Ms, Ritter Sport, Dove Dark, and other liquors from the gods. I actually do NOT want such medication. This is my pleasure. My fat. My alcohol. (How I used to down frozen Ketel One in one hand, dark chocolate in the other… See what I mean?) “What’s wrong with that?” Thankful for the beautiful picture. I have to un-drool my keyboard…:o) ; ;

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahahaha Thank you for the kind words and the good giggles, James 🙂

      Wow, four years of abstinence, that is quite an achievement! I think you fully deserve the sweet treat to reward yourself 🙂 I am glad you enjoyed the Ritter shot!

      Have a lovely Sunday 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

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