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Guest Barista at Go Dog Go Café !

Now, this is exciting to me! It is my first official publication, and I am proud to say that one of my poems is featured today at Go Dog Go Café! I think it is funny to be a guest barista, when I don’t drink a drop of coffee myself… Mouahahaha

I’ll leave you to visit the Café, have a hot drink and get to know this special place where writers gather to share their work, and I’ll go make my little happy dance! Yay!

in the sea pool of your love at ankle depth wearing the thin line of the surface as a bracelet on my flesh… Token of your love, never to be heard never to be seen only to be felt. Dipping my feet though yearning to dive, dive into the sea pool of your love… Knowing […]

via Guest Barista Cyranny- Toe dipping… — Go Dog Go Café

34 thoughts on “Guest Barista at Go Dog Go Café !

    1. Hehehehe That’s good to know, I’ll make sure to invite you when I get invited to share more words with the Café’s regulars… 😉 I’ll treat you to your favorite cup, anytime! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well in the States it’s a bit different in that I’ve been published in physical books rather than online publications. The most recent has been the 2014 edition of Famous Poets of the Heartland; before that it was the 2005 edition of Celebrate: Poets Speak Out.

        Nonetheless, I did share the couple I had published awhile back:

        Note I’m not an avid writer of this stuff, just when it comes to me.

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