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Saving Challenge – Via Giggles & Tales

I am not a New Year resolution maker.

Well, that’s not entirely true… Each year, I am tempted to sit down, at the turn of year, and settle ways to better myself on some level. The last couple of years I made a bucket list, writing dreams I was wishing for myself. I must say, re-reading them as the year is done has been surprising. I achieved a lot more goals than I would have guessed at first.

But I am not a “Start exercising” “Stop smoking” “Try to always be positive” kind of girl. I know it is no use subscribing to my neighbourhood gym just now. By February, I would have a long enough list of excuses, not to enter a gym, ever, again.

Despite all that, I was intrigued by Stella’s post.

If there is one thing time has thaught me, it is that there is no safe way to make quick money. But sometimes, it doesn’t take much effort to save money in the long run… And I like this fun way to gather a considerable loot for the end of 2018. Be it to buy next year’s Christmas presents, treat myself, or plan a trip, if I take the habit of following this little ritual, I’ll have a little under 2000$ saved by the end of December.

I’m in!

I took my three Mason jars out of a cupboard, (yeah, I added one for loose change) and I will decorate them a little later today. And as a motivation, I’ll try to post once a week, on Sundays, to confirm my saving challenge is still going on.

Curious about my money saving plans? Visit Stella via the following link.

Beware Denmark, I’m saving myself for you πŸ˜‰Β  Mouahahahahahahaha


Start your new year with a new tradition or challenge. I call it the jars challenge. One jar is your daily jar and one is your weekly jar. Put one dollar (use your own currency) each day in your daily jar. Your weekly jar corresponds to the week of the year. For example, this isΒ […]

via Savings Challenge: β€” Giggles & Tales

12 thoughts on “Saving Challenge – Via Giggles & Tales

  1. I am going to start doing George’s laundry…that way I can swipe whatever change he may have and stick it in a jar that he can’t find. I bet I have 27 cents within the next six months! WOOT!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh Dear Cyranny, excuse my giggling on the comments here esp Suze’s last. πŸ™‚ There are many reasons why we cannot do this challenge. Really, it takes a whole lot of discipline and will-power to start and finish it strongly. Let’s see how far I can go with mine. πŸ™‚ Wish me luck, haha. And thanks for bringing this post to your page. Have a great start to the weekend and yay, cold cold Denmark will love to host you again. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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    1. Good luck indeed, dear Stella! I think it is really a matter of taking the habit to do it daily… I’m pretty confident that I’ll make it!

      It is a pleasure to share the Challenge, if it can give the idea to at least one other person to prepare an end-of-year loot, it’ll be worth it πŸ™‚

      Oh, and don’t ever excuse yourself for a giggle! We never giggle enough, and I love when comments in The Cove give a good one to other readers πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


    1. I really like it, only 21 days into the challenge, but I am keeping up so far. Even if you just do the 1$ a day jar, it is a substential saving at the end of the year πŸ™‚ Let me know if you do try it out!

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