Blogging · Me myself and I · short · Thoughts

(Almost) Out of order…

Just a short note to tell you all that I’ve been having troubles with my tablet the past 24 hours or so… After almost 2 years, I was expecting to eventually start having glitches, just not so suddenly.

Said glitches are making it really hard writing long posts. They interrupt me every couple of lines. I have the hardest time trying to focus on what I want to say, having to start Google Chrome each time. I’m frustrated, to say the least.

I will not be bold, and appologize for it. I don’t think anyone’s waiting on the edge of their seat, eager to get my next post… But I just wanted to explain why there will be less stuff being published in The Cove for a while.

Technology sure can be a pain in the butt… I didn’t need that just now.

I hope you’ll stick around, until I find a way to fix this.

A lovely week to all of you!

33 thoughts on “(Almost) Out of order…

  1. Sorry about the trouble your tablet’s been giving you. I know how you feel. We’re too dependent on technology. Ugh! My tablet went bye-bye after four-years and it seems like these things’ life span are shorter and shorter. Hope you get your tablet functioning again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words… Yes, I totally agree about our total dependence! Sometimes, I get the urge to throw everything that can be plugged out of the window, but when I calm down, I remember that dealing with technology put me in touch with incredible people all around the world (like you) that make my day more often than technology makes me curse 😛

      I hope everything will get fixed soon… In the meanwhile, I’m stuck with short posts, picture-posting, and replying to comments (pfeww… I wouldn’t have wanted those to pile up, unanswered!! :P)

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  2. Sorry about your tablet.
    I am only still blogging because my phone has memory B-cells, literally!
    I appreciate all the support you show on my blog and I’ll be waiting till whenever to read more on the cove.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 As I said, I don’t intend on stopping the blogging altogether, I just can’t write long stories for the moment, which is kind of frustrating, because I enjoy that kind of mind wandering… But hopefully, I’ll get the annoying thing fixed soon. I’ll keep you Lovelies posted for sure! 🙂 xx

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    1. Awww Biff Sock Pow! You are just precious 🙂

      I shall not give up until I find a way to make this evil device to work the way it should (and used to, dang it!) and I’ll rise back up like a Phenix! LOL

      Thanks for your support, it is much appreciated! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks a lot 🙂

        I’ve tried a new approach this morning. I called it the “I-don’t-give-a-f*ck” technique. It consisted in not giving my tablet attention at all.

        At. All.

        Didn’t work…. Life sucks! 😛

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      2. True (but aren’t you always, Biff Sock Pow? 😉 ) I tried to bargain with the dang thing this morning, before heading to work… Offered a brand new memory card and cleaning clothe….

        Nope! This useless piece of… electronic seems to be incorruptible!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tony 🙂 I’ll be working on it with my brother who’s a technology tamer (AKA computer engineer)… He should be able to remind my tablet that it is supposed to work for me, and not the other way around 😛

      I hope you’ll have a lovely week 🙂 xx


    1. Aww how sweet of you 🙂

      It might be all the kind words and thoughts from all of you, but my tablet decided to give me a second chance yesterday night! I am so glad it did!

      I hope you are doing good today! xxx

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