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Unique Blogger Award



The lovely Bag Lady nominated me for this new award, and I’d like to invite you to pay her a visit if you don’t already know this fabulous woman! Not only does she write her daily poems, short stories, challenges and the like… But she is a very active reader in the WordPress Bloggosphere… I’m sure you’ve seen her dragonfly here and there in other people’s comment boxes!

It is always a pleasure to visit you, Bag Lady, and to see you around The Cove! Big muuuaaahhhhs and hugs!


So, first things first; the rules


1.  Link to the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.

2.  Answer the questions you are given.

3.  In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.

4.  Ask the people you nominate 3 new questions.



My answers;

  1. Do you cook or bake? What is the best dish you make? I do cook a lot. I am not particularly skilled and I could never enter one of those amateur cooking reality shows… But I enjoy cooking and spending time around the stove. My spaghetti sauce gets me a lot of compliments, and I have to only make small batches, because I’d end up eating it all, a guiltless spoonfull at a time! I also have converted many people to cheese they considered too smelly with my Tartiflette… Ohhh Yummm…. And I can make soup out of any fridge leftovers!
  2. How many pets have you had in your lifetime and what were they? Maybe you should sit down, and have some coffee…. How many pets have I had in my lifetime???  Wow…. Okie… Let’s try this. I had 7 cats (not counting the kittens… we had babies twice… well, our cat did LOL). 5 dogs. A parrot (and I wasn’t even training to be a Pirate). Countless mice (it started with 2, just so happened they were a he, and a she!) I had a frog, a Monarch butterfly… A salamander. I shortly had a chameleon, a fawn (yes, like Bambi)… and and and… I think that’s about it.
  3. How did you develop your blog style? What blog style?  LOL


My nominees;

Bitter Ben (can you imagine Ben doing a bitter award? I just gotta try!)

Rowena (Because I feel like booking a flight to Italy everytime she posts something!)

Stella (Because… she is Stella. And that is enough a reason… Muah! Girl)

Colin (The kindest Scottish giant around, for sure!)

Speedy (When is the last time you followed a rabbit??)


And last, but not least…

My questions;

  1. Name one weird attraction I could visit if I traveled to your city/country.
  2. What’s one thing you have on your bucket list (don’t have a bucket list? Pretend!!)
  3. What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself? Are you currently working on that?



12 thoughts on “Unique Blogger Award

  1. That funny bit about you is quite glaring on this post. Haha!. Congratulations on your award and thank you for nominating me. Perhaps, now, this will motivate me to respond to all the pending awards I’ve received recently. You will know when I tackle this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂 Hehehehe I try not to take myself too seriously. Life is serious enough as it is!!

      I can imagine you’ve had quite your share of nominations through the months… Your blog rocks!!

      I can’t wait to read your reply to it, but there’s really no rush… 🙂 xx


      1. Thanks. So true about life. 🙂 This time I will try to respond ASAP to get them off my chest. It’s better than pushing them aside and days run into weeks. 🙂


  2. Oh thank you for considering me as unique (says a gal who things of herself as quirky), and while I don’t do awards because I’ve probably done all of them before, I still want to answer those questions right here.

    1. La Bocca della Verità in Rome. Millions of pairs of hands getting stuck into a mouth that will probably give you more germs than you want to know. And that’s the truth!

    2. Riding a camel in the desert.

    3. I’m happy with myself (at my age it’s just not worth fixing what can never be fixed). So what if I like all the switches on the lighting panel in the same direction.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your answers 🙂

      I knew about La Bocca della Verità… And to say the truth I’ve been kind of scared of it for decades! LOL When I was just a little girl, my uncle visited Rome and brought me back books about the city and everything there was to see, and that face… It haunted me! I still wonder if I’d be game to put my hand in it… Oh forget it, I’d be game, but I’d be shaking in my pants!!

      I tried the camel thing… Keep it on your list… To.ta.lly worth it!!

      I’m pretty sure there’s not that much “unfixed” about you 😉 Hehehehe

      Have a wonderful weekend!! 🙂 And thank you for answering the questions… Really interesting 🙂


  3. OMB…..Thanks for the Nomination….I shall work on that tomorrow…hehehe I hope if mummy will help me!And your answers are so cool.Did you know mummy makes the best Christmas cake….and she posts it every Christmas for everyone to see on my blog,xx Speedy

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