Blogging · funny · Me myself and I

Being creative at work…


I think I am someone who’s pretty creative… Maybe not over-artistic, but creative, yes! And creativity saved my life once more today (ok, I might be a tad dramatic there, but still, I thought it might interrest one or two of you Lovelies)

Context? Ok, I was working a 5 am to 4h45 pm shift, and was not especially thrilled about it. Around noon, I had a craving for something that required ketchup.

Ketchup heals every boring snack or meal better than any other condiment. Except remoulade. But I haven’t found a trustable source of remoulade in Québec yet, and I am too lazy to make myself some everytime I remember how yummy yummy it is. So I stick to ketchup. I can eat ketchup on pretty much anything eatable. At least savory stuff. But then again, I’m not into sweets, so who knows if I would have dipped my donuts in a little bowl of Heinz ketchup in an other life?

Anyway… The point being, I needed ketchup, and the ketchup was in the downstairs’ common kitchen. Common, meaning “don’t hug the bottle bring it upstairs and keep it to yourself!” Not having a container to bring back the said ketchup, I decided to use a cone water cup, which seemed like a good idea…

But when I got back upstairs, I realized that the lack of standing device for the cone would be a problem. Oh, I could always keep it in my hand, but working required that I had two free hands to answer the phone, type on the keyboard, play with the mouse and write down notes… An arm transplant seeming a bit dramatic, costy and complicated on such short notice, I brainstormed with myself.

Of course, the phone rang, and I had to take a quick decision. So here’s where the cone ended first.




Efficient, but not the ideal solution, since it meant picking up the cone everytime I’d need a sip of water. And when you spend twelve hours answering calls, there’s a lot of sipping involved. I had to think of something else.

Pretty much everything on my desk being flat, I had to think outside the box. Use things differently. I had started already, though altering the usual use of the cone just mildly. For those of you, not familiar with cone cups, this is their intended usage;




So… I looked and looked, and this caught my eye;




Now, don’t go running around thinking… “Oh! Oh! We have her initials now!” Nope! I told you before, I am still just a pawn on the office’s chessboard. So this was a co-worker’s headset when I got the job six and a half years ago. And I inherited it then.  So, how would a headset be of any use, you might ask?

Think outside the box…  Here’s how;




Clever, uh? Yeah, I know… Not the steadiest stand, but still, it worked. For a while… Because, unfortunately, working long hours means putting said headset ON the head (thus proving I have one!) and eventually starting to hear annoying “beeps” reminding me that wireless stuff isn’t invincible, and needs to be recharged from time to time. Doh! It was time for plan C.




There you go! Headset recovering slowly from over-usage, and useless scotch tape roll finding itself a new purpose!

Yeah, yeah yeah… I know! Some people use their brains to cure deadly diseases and build spacecrafts…

Not me!  *sigh*






17 thoughts on “Being creative at work…

    1. Awwwwww…. where were you this afternoon?? That would have been brilliant! And the looks of disbeleif from my co-workers would have been a bonus!! 😉

      How’s the getting-back-the-blog intervention going, Suze??

      Liked by 1 person

      1. my geekette took off for the weekend as the death and resurrection of my blog has become a somewhat annoying challenge. Here is hoping she can fix it this week before my brain explodes. the wp one is okay but my gosh it is glitchy and I have a horrid time with the editor and ping backs. they just don’t want to work.

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      2. I sure hope she manages to get it working… why is everything so dang complicated in 2016??? Now I live in fear that the Cove dies in my arms… I would be devastaded! What would I do with my away-from-office time?? What would I do AT the office? WORK??? God forbid!!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. This is amazing. hahahhaa. Ketchup is the besttttt. I agree 100%. It’s interesting though because my mom JUST mentioned how amazing remoulade is this past week. I’m interested to try it out! Love this post…. as usual.. as all of them! Have such a great rest of your weekend filled with nothing less than delicious ketchup! xox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ketchup rulezzzz 😛 With this said, I highly recommend trying remoulade… It is the Danish ketchup (surprise surprise!) And it is absolutely delicious!

      Thank you for your kind words, Sunshine girl 🙂 Have a great weekend too xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, well, well…who would have thought one would come up with an amazingly entertaining creative story with ketchup as inspiration! It that is not genius, I don’t know what is! LOl! 😁

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